Dance Dance Dance is Enoch Henry Light's jazz rock album from 1964. The album was released in 1964 in Canada. The album has 13 tracks on it such as "Dream Lover", "Ya Ya", and "I Want To Be Happy". Enoch Henry Light was a classically trained violinist, danceband leader, and record engineer. He was well known as both a musician and producer. He is credited as one of the first musicians to intentionally create extremely high quality sound recordings of his music. He and his band performed mostly in various New York hotels. Throughout the 1930s he typically played in upscale hotel ballrooms and restaurants to provide a pleasant atmosphere for the patrons.

Enoch's album covers are typographical treats. They often feature bold display type and simple, almost abstract shapes representational shapes. The artwork mostly included abstract or minimalist are work that, at the time, stood out from other album covers. Many of the album covers designed by Josef Albers , a German-born American artist well known for his minimalist use of color.